Rhizomatiks Design planned, produced, and created “Tokyo Colors,” a large-scale installation in the GranRoof of Tokyo Station’s Yaesu gate to commemorate the station’s 100th anniversary. GranRoof is a landmark in its own right. Architect Helmut Jahn explained that his design envisioned twin crystal towers, connected by “a sail of light.” Inspired by Jahn, our design sought to create shimmering “buds of hope” that sway in the new winds gliding through the sail of light, this light that illuminates the future ahead. This concept was realized by acquiring data from 28 wind vanes, and transmitting that data in real-time to our proprietary light sculptures.
The renovation plans for Tokyo Station conceptualize the Maru no Uchi gate as being the “face symbolizing history,” and the Yaesu gate being the “face symbolizing the future.” Architect Helmut Jahn designed the twin crystal towers bridged by “a sail of light,” imagery which underpins the GranRoof as a symbol of progressiveness. These symbolic gestures provided the framework for our project. Inspired by Jahn, our design sought to emphasize the bucolic image of shimmering “buds of hope” that sway in the new winds gliding through the sail of light, this light that illuminates the future ahead. The GranRoof is a new threshold connecting us to Tokyo Station, and the future will be shaped by the many travelers who take the first steps through this threshold as they embark on new journeys. The metaphor linking GranRoof with sails of light is a symbol of the bright future envisioned by these hopefuls. Undoubtedly, this will be the fertile ground that nurtures the seedlings of hope that will one day blossom and color the Tokyo landscape. Our project gives form to this vision of a verdant future. We utilized a visualization of the wind as a means to control these myriad lights. Data collected from 28 weather vanes paints our canvas in real-time. Structurally, the GranRoof walkway was designed deliberately to create an avenue for the wind. By erecting twin skyscrapers flanking the north and south of the Yaesu promenade, an open clearing was created to welcome the cleansing wind that rushes in eagerly from the sea to wash down over Maru no Uchi. Thus, a new wind blows in Tokyo, one that offers a gentle push of encouragement to travelers taking a first stride into the next century of a venerable station. (Keisuke Arikuni)
Planner/Producer/Director : Keisuke Arikuni (Rhizomatiks)
Creative Coder : Hiroyuki Hori (Rhizomatiks), Akira Hayasaka
Lighting Director : Hiroyuki Hori (Rhizomatiks)
Lighting Designer : Hiroyuki Hori (Rhizomatiks), Akira Hayasaka, Hitoshi Morita (TYMOTE)
Hardware Engineer : Tatsuya Motogi (Rhizomatiks), Ichiro Mishima (Rhizomatiks)
Sound Director/Sound Designer : Taeji Sawai (Qosmo)
Sound Engineer : Mitsuru Tajika
Space Designer : Shinya Akaba,Tatsuya Motogi (Rhizomatiks)
Constructor : Kazuya Kusunoki (JFE Technos), Shinji Takabatake (JFE Technos)
Anemoscope Device Engineering : Kanta Horio
LED Lighting Device Engineering : Shingo Sotoyama, Junichi Barada (COLOR KINETICS JAPAN)